Buy Pure Irish
Biochar Online

Our Biochar Helps in the Fight Against Climate Change.

Buy Custom-Built
Biochar Retorts

Order a Custom-Built Retort and Make Your Own Biochar.

Permanent Carbon Removal

Fight against climate change

Biochar is produced from organic materials, such as wood chippings, garden trimmings or agricultural residues, which undergo high-temperature heating. This process transforms carefully selected waste into a form of permanent carbon storage, thereby contributing to the circular economy. Biochar removes carbon from the atmosphere forever, locking it into the soil. When you use our biochar, you play an essential role in combating climate change.


Captures Carbon

Biochar traps carbon in the soil for centuries, enhancing soil fertility while mitigating climate change effects.

Eco-Friendly Product

Our biochar is sustainably produced and is an eco-friendly solution that offers practical benefits for the environment.

Improves Plant Health

Our biochar enhances soil quality and structure, which supports healthier plants through improved nutrient retention.


Farmers use our biochar to enrich soil, to enhance animal feed and to mitigate the negative and harmful impacts of slurry.

A Carbon-Negative Process

Pyrolysis Technology

Biochar is made via a process called pyrolysis. At Carbon Resources, this involves the controlled heating of organic matter in a low-oxygen environment within our specially designed biochar retorts, which are also available to purchase. Enquire now so you can take the first step on the road to producing your own biochar!

Sustainable Farming Practices

Ideal for agriculture

Did you know that feeding biochar to livestock could reduce their methane emissions by up to 70%? Biochar also has the power to transform slurry by lowering emissions of odours, ammonia and greenhouse gases. Thanks to its porous structure, biochar, when added to slurry, retains and slowly releases nutrients, resulting in enhanced soil fertility, which supports better grass and crop growth. It also effectively minimises the adverse environmental impacts of slurry by reducing run-off and leaching. So when you add biochar to your slurry, you’re permanently trapping carbon and helping in the fight against climate change.

Be Part Of The

Circular economy

All our biochar products are made in West Cork in the south of Ireland from waste timber. Disease-resilient and completely free from all chemicals, toxins and plastics, our biochar is a 100% eco-friendly, high-quality soil enhancer. Our biochar is ideal for gardening, horticultural and farming. Enhancing soil fertility, it promotes plant health and crop yields.

Sustainable Waste Transformation

Make your own Biochar?

Biochar production is a great way to use organic waste materials, reducing greenhouse gas emissions that would otherwise result from their decomposition or incineration. As such, it plays a crucial role in the circular economy. At Carbon Resources, our biochar derives mainly from waste timber, sawmill waste and offcuts sourced from pallet- and crate-manufacturing processes. If you’d prefer to produce your own biochar, you can choose any organic matter from tree brash to grass clippings, garden trimmings, farming waste or even ground coffee. Making your own biochar facilitates the permanent removal of carbon from the atmosphere, thereby contributing positively to climate action.

Compost Accelerator

If you’re considering using biochar in your garden, we recommend adding it to your home composting system so that it can soak up all the goodness from your compost, absorbing nutrients and enhancing microbial activity. Now, you’re all set to go planting!

Supercharge Your Plants

Get better harvest yields

Used with Irish soils, biochar – a natural soil enhancer – can boost plant growth by an impressive 40%. It enhances both harvest yields and plant health, while slashing water usage and reducing the need for chemical fertilisers.

Nature's Best-Kept Secret

Boost your soil

By adding as little as 2% biochar to your soil, you will unlock a host of benefits: improved soil fertility, increased plant and crop yields, decreased nutrient run-off, reduced need for watering, increased microbial activity, increased biodiversity, reduced N2O and methane emissions, reduced odorous emissions and, of course, it facilitates permanent carbon sequestration, among other positive outcomes.